• Endocrinology

    Anterior Pituitary Disorders

    Name 7 disorders of the anterior pituitary? Remember anterior pituitary produces FLAT PiG (FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH, Prolactin, GH) so in that order… FSH or LSH producing tumors – called functional gonadotroph adenomas (FGA) ACTH producing adenoma – Cushing’s disease TSH producing adenoma – Central hyperthyroidism Prolactin producing adenoma (prolactinoma) GH producing adenoma (gigantism in kids, acromegaly in adults) Hypopituitarism – can be due to infection, infarction, or surgery. Acute hypopituitarism can lead to coma and death. Empty Sella syndrome – pituitary is located elsewhere rather than in the sell turcica, so not seen there on MRI. What are 4 expected symptoms & signs for hyperprolactinemia? Hypogonadism – in women…