• Neurology


    Terminology Dysarthria = problem with slurring of speech Articulation defects = problems with motor control of the mouth Anomia = inability to name things, a key finding in almost all aphasias. Mild anomia is difficulty naming objects that are less commonly used in speech. Severe anomia is difficulty naming everyday objects. Anosognosia = person is unaware that they have a neurologic deficit, typically due to a lesion in the non-dominant hemisphere Apraxia = person is unable to carry out a learned motor task but their motor, sensory and coordination is preserved – so they should be able to perform the task. Agnosia = person is unable to recognize objects Prosopagnosia…

  • Neurology

    Nervous System Hemorrhage

    Extraparenchymal –> outside of brain Caput succedaneum = blood above the glea aproneurotica but under the scalp Subgleal hemorrhage = blood under the glea aproneurotica and between the skull opening Cephalohematoma = blood under the upper periosteum and above the skull Epidural hematoma = blood under the lower periosteum and above the dura mater Subdural hematoma = blood under the dura mater and in the arachnoid/ above the pia mater. Intraparenchymal –> into brain Subarachnoid hemorrhage = bleeding under the arachnoid membrane but above the pia mater. Cerebral lobe (cortical) hemorrhage = bleeding can be in the dominant and non-dominant frontal lobes, parietal lobes, and temporal lobes or the occipital…

  • Neurology

    Intraventricular Hemorrhage

    The germinal matrix is a region in the developing fetus that is located next to the ventricles (periventricular) and gives rise to neurons and glial cells. It is highly vascularized with fragile capillaries that can easily rupture. This region involutes by 32 weeks of gestation. There is supporting structures around it that develop and protect it. In premature babies born before 32 weeks, the germinal matrix has not involuted putting them at risk for rupture of the fragile capillaries leading to intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH). In very low birth weight newborns, <1500g, the risk of germinal matrix capillary rupture is also increased. The blood coagulates and can be easily visualized with…